Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Beehive Camp

At the end of June I went to Beehive Camp up in Brighton. You stay in cabins and with girls you are assigned with and learn about the gospel for a week.. All of the camp leaders have fake names that has to do with them. My leader's name was Fermata because she plays 6 different instruments! You read your scriptures and right in an journal every morning and it is so much fun! I made so many friends and I have so many memories. I went with one of my best friends Emma. She moved to Virgina and she came to visit so we thought it was  good idea if she went to camp with me while she was here. It was an amazing experience and I will never forget it! Here are some of the pictures from camp I took and made into a slideshow, I hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I am the Luckiest Girl Alive

I truly am the luckiest girl alive. As many of you know my mother and I saw Wicked last night!!!!! I am sooooooooooo grateful for those big things in my life, and the small ones. So I encourage you all to think of all the simple things in your life if you ever feeling sad. If you go to my moms blog you can see the story behind it all. Here are some pictures of my mom and I at Wicked. It was so amazing how the characters sang and acted. Glinda was my favorite character because of her sense of humor! The next time you see me, ask me if i will do my Glinda impersonation. Enjoy! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Hi everybody!!! I am really sorry for not posting a lot. I have been sooooo busy with homework, trips, project for school, dance concert, Middle Ages Banquet, and more!!! I will try to post something on Sunday because of these things this week......

  1. Young Womens
  2. Birthday with the family
  3. Birthday party
  4. Federation (it is a violin performance test type of thing)
  5. Babysit the Wallenfelts
  6. Tonight I have a different violin performance
  7. Cousins Baptisms
  8. school
  9. dance
  10. Finish the 13th "Article of Faith"
  11. Skiing at Brighton
So as you can see I have been super busy and still am! Till I post again.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Thanks to my soon to be uncle, Chris, I FINALLY have video clips of the So You Think You Can Dance Concert!!!! The concert was so amazing. I wish I had a copy of the show.

Comfort and Twitch dancing to Forever

Marc & Chelsie dancing to Bleeding Love My very FAVORITE!!!!!!!

Will and Katie dancing to David A. singing IMAGINE

Twitch and Carrington waltzing to Celion Dion

David Archeletta

YAY!!!!!!! Finally another song by David Archeletta that has a music video!!!!! The song is called "A Little Too Not Over You" Here it is!!!! My computer is being really weird right now so just please copy and paste this.....



Monday, November 10, 2008

Reading Contest Continued

As you all know, my class has been in a reading contest. Well, our class finally got 4th place!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just last week we were in second to last place in 5-6 grade!! But we made a great comeback!!! Here are the results....

  1. Mrs. Gambles class(Hans's class)

  2. Mrs. Allred's class(a 5 grade class)

  3. Mrs. Fuller's class(Bonnies's class)

  4. Miss. Buck's class(My class!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I just finished the Island series and I loved it. Happy reading. Feel free to share a favorite book or series you think I might like.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mrs. Price

Well, school has been amazing!!! We have a great student teacher named Mrs. Price. Just recently it was her birthday! She turned 22. We had a party for her at school, it was so much fun!!!! Her husband Dave came with soda, and some mothers brought cake. It was so fun!!! My friends and I even made a rap for her. If you wanna see our rap go on to,davidandrachelprice.blogspot.com

Mrs. Price has moved on to another class. We will miss her so much but are still the luckiest class at our school because we get to have Miss Buck teach us everyday.

I love my friends. I love my teachers. I love my church and neighborhood community. I love my family. I love my life!!!!!