Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Hi everybody!!! I am really sorry for not posting a lot. I have been sooooo busy with homework, trips, project for school, dance concert, Middle Ages Banquet, and more!!! I will try to post something on Sunday because of these things this week......

  1. Young Womens
  2. Birthday with the family
  3. Birthday party
  4. Federation (it is a violin performance test type of thing)
  5. Babysit the Wallenfelts
  6. Tonight I have a different violin performance
  7. Cousins Baptisms
  8. school
  9. dance
  10. Finish the 13th "Article of Faith"
  11. Skiing at Brighton
So as you can see I have been super busy and still am! Till I post again.


Ada's Girl said...

I can't wait to read about all of your adventures. Happy Birthday.

Carrie said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Cute Katherine. I will be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to have you in Beehives! Even more GLAD to see that you put YW first, I love your comments, you are a welcomed addition!

Brett Nielson said...

You are the best! We are so proud of you! ...and you know that.